Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to change or recover your Windows Live Messenger password

Regularly changing your MSN account password is important to prevent other people from trying to decrypt it, particularly when you make use of public or shared computers. You should keep an update of your passwords in an external folder to avoid forgetting it yourself. If this is somehow the case, there are other ways to recover your password explained in this article. 
1.Changing your password (Windows Live Messenger)

To be able to change your password, you must sign in to your email account. 

1. Sign in to your Windows Live Messenger and open your email account (the envelope icon in the upper left corner of your screen) 
2. Once your mailbox accounts is open, from the upper right corner of your screen, select "Options". 
3. Under "Manage your account" section, select the option "View and edit your personal information" 
4. Your personal information should now be displayed, as well as a section labeled "Password reset information". Click on "Change" written next to "Password: *******" 
5. Another window will pop up, prompting you to enter your current password and to type in your new one. You will have to retype the new password for confirmation. 
6. If you want to regularly change your password, check the box labeled "Make my password expire every 72 days" 
7. Finish by clicking "Save". 

Note: Do not forget to store your password in a safe folder 
2. Password Recovery

If you have forgotten your messenger password, there are three ways to recover it. 
Secret question 

When signing up for your account, you have been asked to choose a secret question from the list and provide an answer. You can use this option to recover your password by choosing "Forgot your password?" at the bottom of the screen before signing in. This will open a new browser and you will be directed to this link 

1. Enter your account name (e.g. 
2. Enter the characters displayed in the required field. 
3. Click "Continue" 
4. When asked to select the option for resetting your password, choose " Use my location information and secret answer to verify my identity" 
5. Choose your location from the list (it must correspond to the location you entered upon the creation of your account). Enter your secret answer in the required field. Click "Continue" 
Send password reset instructions to your alternative email address

If you do not remember the secret answer to the secret question, you can also try to send the password reset instruction to the alternative email address entered upon account creation. 

Note: You should know beforehand the substitute email address that has been suggested upon registration of your account. 

1. Choose "Send password reset instructions to me in email" 
2. Select "Alternate email address". Click continue 
3. "Password reset instructions were sent to your alternate e-mail address. 
If you don't see the e-mail message in your inbox, look for it in your junk mail folder or check your e-mail again later." will display on your screen. 
4. You can now check your email to get the reset instructions. 
5. Copy the link provided in a new browser to confirm the request. This might take a few minutes to process the information. 
6. Enter the correct information in the required fields to confirm your identity and reset your new password.

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