Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How Do I Fix This Corrupted Font

Why are my fonts unreadable in Norton Antivirus or Norton Systemworks?This particular problem I struggled with the other day after installing Norton Antivirus on a customer's computer. After installing the program, it opened but all the fonts were unreadable. The fonts were similar to the Symbol font instead of something normal. 

The problem appears to be a corrupted font. The Monotype Sorts font to be exact. If this font becomes damaged or corrupted (by the installation of a program), then programs using the following fonts have trouble displaying. The fonts that are affected are:
MS Sans Serif
MS Serif
Small Fonts

The Monotype Sorts font is not normally installed with Windows, however if this font is installed on the system and becomes damaged it can affect the fonts above.

How Do I Fix This Corrupted Font?

1) Open Control Panel
2) Double-click on the FONTS icon
3) Find the MONOTYPE SORTS font and right click on it
4) Click on Delete

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